New Gaddesden Society Website Progress
We ‘soft launched’ the new website a week ago, on Thursday 10 March 2022. We’ve called it a Beta test version as not everything is complete yet, but we’re getting there. In particular:
Clubs and Institutions
We now have approved texts and images for the web pages for most of the village Clubs and Institutions – just a few to go.
Village Notices
We are making progress on integrating the Village Notices emails with the Village Notices page on the site. For reasons that are too boring to go into, that couldn’t be done before the site went live. In fact this Village Notices post that you’re reading now is part of the testing programme for the integration process: if the system works as intended, the post is being sent automatically by email to a few guinea pig recipients – they know who they are! If this and other tests are successful, the system will be rolled out generally, and then Village Notices will be available for reference on the Village Notices page as well as appearing in your email inbox.
Contact Details
We are often asked to include in Village Notices contact details such as phone numbers and email addresses. We’ll continue to do that on request, but please bear in mind that any contact details that you ask us to include will be available online on the Village Notices page as well as being circulated to everyone on the mailing list.
Any questions, please email Andrew Sheard at wp-admin@littlegaddesden.org.uk.