Little Gaddesden Parish Church
The church of St Peter and St Paul is Little Gaddesden’s Parish Church, and has a thriving congregation and community. Visitors and residents alike will always be welcome to our services, which combine the formal (delivered in a relaxed and friendly way) with opportunities for teaching and reflection.
Please visit our website at littlegaddesdenchurch.org.uk to find out more about the church and its role in the life of the village. You’ll find details of services and other events, directions for how to find us, contact details, the latest news from Little Gaddesden Church (which you can sign up to) and a wealth of other information. And don’t miss our virtual church tour, taking in some of the many points of interest within the church building including the Great Monument and our other fine monuments, and our War Remembrance pages detailing the lives of those from the parish who served in the First or Second World War.
Little Gaddesden Parish Church shares ministry with the adjoining parishes of Great Gaddesden and Nettleden. We are part of the Berkhamsted Team Ministry in the Diocese of St Albans of the Church of England.
The Revd. John Russell, Vicar
01442 214898
Barbara Sheard, Churchwarden
01442 843591
David Scriven, Churchwarden
Website: littlegaddesdenchurch.org.uk
Header image: Lyn Hyde