More About The Gaddesden Society
An overview of our activities is on the Front Page. Here, our history is set out in the unimprovable words of Vicars Bell, and we list the current GadSoc committee members.
Our History
Our beautiful Chiltern village, set within the National Trust’s Ashridge Estate, is a thriving community with numerous clubs and societies. How did this come about?
When the Home Guard “Stood Down” in 1945 it found itself in possession of two assets: first, a sum of money which was due for distribution among its members: and second the habit of working together for the benefit of the whole community. With these funds and with this ethos of co-operation, the Gaddesden Society was formed.
From this beginning the many clubs and societies have developed independently but are still supported by the Gaddesden Society should the need arise. In addition the Society publishes the quarterly Gaddesden Diary, puts on half a dozen talks a year which are open to all, organises the annual Sports Day and oversees the Hospital Visiting service offered to those who do not have transport for appointments or visits.
It is for these reasons that the Society has a key role within the village. Like the Home Guard, it has no political or religious associations – it needs everyone within its ranks!
Vicars Bell
(Former headmaster of Little Gaddesden Village School)
Who We Are
Committee 2023-2024
Phil Heaphy – President
Mandy Haynes – Secretary
Andrew Sheard – Treasurer
Trevor Fernandes
David Seymour
Josie Jeffrey
Vicki Fruish
The Gaddesden Society’s Constitution can be found on the Constitution page.
Shortly before the AGM, the year’s accounts will appear below.
Header image: Andrew Sheard