The Gaddesden Society –
What We Do
The Gaddesden Society – GadSoc – is the ‘umbrella’ for the many clubs in the villages of Ashridge, Hudnall, Little Gaddesden and Ringshall. It helps fund many village activities and developments.
We produce The Gaddesden Diary four times a year. The Diary gives club reports, a calendar of future events and a contact if you would like to join any club or organisation. If you would like to subscribe to the four Diaries, please contact our Distribution Secretary (diary.distribution@littlegaddesden.org.uk). Copies are also available in the Village Shop.
The Gaddesden Society holds social evenings with a talk four to six times a year: our programme is published in the Diary and here on our website. Everyone is welcome at these evenings, which are social occasions to meet others in the village over a glass of wine and listen to interesting talks. Entrance is a minimum of only £1, though larger contributions to our costs are very welcome.
We also hold film nights a few times a year. Entrance is £5, including a glass of wine.
You do not have to ‘join’ The Gaddesden Society, which is open to all.
Outdoors, we helped provide gym equipment on the playing field. We also arrange the annual Village Sports day, when we hope that you and your children will compete in the races. The event usually takes place in mid-September and details are published in the Diary.
The Gaddesden Society runs a voluntary Medical Driving Service for non-driving villagers needing free transport to hospitals, clinics and surgeries for pre-arranged appointments. Please contact the Medical Driving Organiser (medical.driving@littlegaddesden.org.uk).
The Gaddesden Society holds a mailing list of village email addresses through which it communicates Village Notices: Society meeting information, key village events and police Neighbourhood Watch notices. If you want to join the Village Notices mailing list, scroll down to the foot of the page or click here to get to the sign-up link. To request that something gets included in the Village Notices, email village.notices@littlegaddesden.org.uk.
In short, our aim is to support the community, sometimes financially and sometimes in other ways, by promoting our local clubs and institutions, holding events, providing equipment and services, and sharing information – not least by this website and our Village Notices service.
For any further information about The Gaddesden Society, please contact our Honorary Secretary (secretary.gadsoc@littlegaddesden.org.uk) or explore this website.
More About The Gaddesden Society
For the history of The Gaddesden Society, and for details of those running it today, please visit the More About The Society page.
Header image: Andrew Sheard