Little Gaddesden Youth Football Club
Little Gaddesden Football Club is about children having fun, trying their very best, being competitive and above all demonstrating great sportsmanship.
- Training takes place on Saturday mornings (for U6 to U11)
- Other age groups – training varies
- Matches (selected age groups) – Sunday mornings
Join our club
We welcome new members
The first step is to get in contact and find out if we have a team in your child’s age group.
Please email your name, child’s age, school year to Your information will be passed to the team coach.
Or visit the club on a training morning
Mid-season membership
Joining mid or late season?
We reduce membership price for children who join late in the season – so please enquire if we have spaces in your age group.
We set our membership fee at the start of each season.
The season generally runs from September to April
- Term time (mostly)
- Weather permitting
Club Kit
All players need to wear football boots with studs and shin pads. No metal studs please.
Basic kit is available to purchase at our clubhouse during training (e.g socks, shorts, beanies).
Other kit (match tops/mid layers) – your team coach will advise on this at the start of the season.
Our younger teams all train at Church Road – Little Gaddesden – Berkhamsted – HP4 1NX
Training location/ training days for older teams varies (U12 and above) – please get in touch to find out more.
Extra Information For Parents
Please try to arrive on time for training sessions. Warm-ups are important and arriving on time avoids disrupting the session for everyone.
- Parents need to stay nearby.
- If a parent has 2 children training on different pitches, please let the coach knows your whereabouts.
Helping Out
Most of our coaches are parent volunteers – if you’d like to get involved in coaching, training or other club roles, please speak to your team’s lead coach.
We look forward to meeting you
Header image: Little Gaddesden Football Club