In Today’s Notices:
- Subscriptions for The Gaddesden Diary
- Saturday 14 October – ABBA’s Angels, Village Hall
- Monday 16 October – Restart a Heart Session, Bridgewater Arms
- Thursday, Friday & Saturday 2, 3 & 4 November – Little Gaddesden Drama Club revue: Here We Go-Go Again! Village Hall
- Little Gaddesden Charities Fund
- Got Something to be Included in Village Notices?
Scroll down for more:
Subscriptions for The Gaddesden Diary
Subscriptions for The Gaddesden Diary: only £5.00: due in September, please pay now if you haven’t already done so. Click here for details of how to pay.
Saturday 14 October – ABBA’s Angels, Village Hall, 7pm to 11.30pm
The previously sold-out ABBA’S ANGELS SHOW now has a table available due to it being returned because of unforeseen circumstances.
The table for eight can be sold as a unit or split up into individual seats, each of which can be purchased separately.
It’s a fantastic opportunity to join the fun and support a great cause.
If you’re interested, please let me know as soon as possible.
Seats will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
Suzie Banerji

Monday 16 October – Restart a Heart Session, Bridgewater Arms, 7.30pm
Your local Community First Responders are again running a training session in the village pub as part of the British Heart Foundation’s annual “Restart a Heart Campaign”. There will be practical demonstrations and training in the use of the public AED (defibrillator).
All welcome.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday 2, 3 & 4 November 2023 – Little Gaddesden Drama Club revue: Here We Go-Go Again! – Village Hall, 7:15 for 8:00pm
An Irreverent Autumn Revue

Revues have always been popular with our audiences, and we fully expect this irreverent autumn revue to be too. Directed by Shaun McCarthy and Benjamin Dawson, it involves a good mix of pieces – solo, ensemble and company numbers, and a blend of musical items and acted sketches.
Join us on 2nd, 3rd or 4th November 2023 for performances at
Little Gaddesden Village Hall, HP4 1NX.
(Doors and licensed bar open 7:15pm; curtain up at 8pm).
Tickets £15.00 when booked online.
Tickets can now be booked ONLINE on our website
or by phone on 0333 666 3366 (phone bookings attract £2.00 booking fee).
To find out more or to book online please click here.
For enquiries about the production (but not for booking tickets) email us at:
Little Gaddesden Charities Fund
Established in 1997 (as a combination of a number of established local charities), the Little Gaddesden charities has supported individuals and families in Little Gaddesden Parish for 25 years.
The charities’ sole purpose is to help individuals or families resident in the parish with small one-off requests for financial support.
The committee are aware that local parishioners may or may not be aware of the charities and wish to promote the purpose to all residents.
Requests for support are made by, either contacting The Revd John Russell on 01442 214898 or by emailing John chairs the charities’ small committee of trustees based on his role within the Parish; alternatively Pat Catchpole (01442 842544) as secretariat.
In such a period of financial uncertainty and with the cost of living crisis it is even more important to ensure that members of the Parish are aware of the support availability, and we would welcome being able to provide more support from funds available.
All requests are treated with the utmost confidence and no personal information is shared.
We would also welcome any local organisations providing information of how to access the charity in any wider communications they may undertake.
Got Something to be Included in Village Notices?
To request that something gets included in the Village Notices, please email Mandy Haynes at