In Today’s Notices:
- Subscriptions for The Gaddesden Diary
- Saturday 11 November – LG Art Club One Day Sale, Village Hall
- Sunday 12 November – Remembrance Sunday Services, Village Green and Parish Church
- Saturday 18 November – Councillor Terry Douris at the Bridgewater Arms
- Saturday 18 November – LG Folk, Roots & Blues Club, Village Hall
- Wanted – Extra singers for special Christmas choir
- Little Gaddesden Charities Fund
- Got Something to be Included in Village Notices?
Scroll down for more:
Subscriptions for The Gaddesden Diary
Subscriptions for The Gaddesden Diary: only £5.00: due in September, please pay now if you haven’t already done so. Click here for details of how to pay.
Saturday 11 November – LG Art Club: One Day Sale, Village Hall 10:30am – 4:00pm
One day sale of paintings, folios, pottery, sculpture, fused glass and greetings cards. Refreshments and light lunches.
All major credit cards accepted.
Sunday 12 November – Remembrance Sunday Services, Procession from Village Hall 10:45am,
Parish Church 6:00pm
10.45 am Procession from Village Hall to War Memorial on the Green for Service of Remembrance
Remembrance Sunday procession and service on the Village Green.
6.00 pm Service of Peace and Reconciliation
A service of peace and reconciliation at 6pm on Sunday 12th November in Little Gaddesden church. The service will provide an opportunity for prayer and reflection in the context of current conflicts around the world, including in the Middle East, Ukraine and other countries.
Saturday 18 November – Councillor Terry Douris at the Bridgewater Arms, 10am to 10.30am
Terry Douris, Dacorum and Hertfordshire County Councillor, will be at the Bridgewater Arms from 10.00am to 10.30am should you have any local issues you wish to discuss with him.
Saturday 18 November – Little Gaddesden Folk, Roots and Blues Club, Village Hall, Doors open 7pm
Fewer than 10 tickets remaining!
The next Little Gaddesden Folk, Roots and Blues Club is on Saturday 18th November at the Village Hall and we are very excited to have slide blues guitar maestro Martin Harley on stage!

Martin Harley has been making music and touring the world for over two decades. His sound has never been more down to earth. Exploring roots, blues and slide guitar in a style The Guardian referred to as “spellbinding”. Harley has released eight albums to date, four recorded on home soil and four across the Atlantic in Texas and Nashville.
His recent nominations include AMA instrumentalist of the year, Best Acoustic Guitarist, Best Acoustic Blues artist. Notable appearances include Glastonbury Acoustic and Avalon stages, Beautiful Days, Royal Albert Hall, Union Chapel, Bluebird Nashville, Tonder Festival, The Troubadour LA and at home in Tring, round the fire pit with his two daughters.
“Awesome!” – Johnnie Walker, BBC Radio 2
“Harley offers the listener a mastclass in taste, style and roots blues” – Guitarist Magazine
“No doubt that he is a slide guitar master. He is the business” – Roots Magazine
“Quite simply a great live act” – Time Out London
£16 per person
Doors open at 7-m
Wanted – Extra Singers for Special Christmas Choir
Saturday 16 December is the Little Gaddesden new format Christmas Carol Service and Christmas Celebration at 6pm in Little Gaddesden Village Church. We need extra singers to join our Special Christmas Choir, led by two professional musicians, both great organists and choir trainers.
Maybe you’re a bit rusty but please don’t worry, you’ll be welcome. If you have sung in a choir before and know whether you sing Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass, that would really help.
You’ll get the music and online recordings in advance so you can practice in your own time and you’ll get links to voice training sessions to get you back to your singing peak.
You’ll also need space in your diary to come to these rehearsals in church which will start promptly:
Sunday 26 November – 15.30-17.00 (including welcome & registration)
Sunday 3 December – 15.45-17.00
Sunday 10 December – 15.45-1700
Saturday 16 December – 16.30 for a run through and final briefing
Saturday 16 December, 18.00 – LG Special Christmas Service
Little Gaddesden Charities Fund
Established in 1997 (as a combination of a number of established local charities), the Little Gaddesden charities has supported individuals and families in Little Gaddesden Parish for 25 years.
The charities’ sole purpose is to help individuals or families resident in the parish with small one-off requests for financial support.
The committee are aware that local parishioners may or may not be aware of the charities and wish to promote the purpose to all residents.
Requests for support are made by, either contacting The Revd John Russell on 01442 214898 or by emailing John chairs the charities’ small committee of trustees based on his role within the Parish; alternatively Pat Catchpole (01442 842544) as secretariat.
In such a period of financial uncertainty and with the cost of living crisis it is even more important to ensure that members of the Parish are aware of the support availability, and we would welcome being able to provide more support from funds available.
All requests are treated with the utmost confidence and no personal information is shared.
We would also welcome any local organisations providing information of how to access the charity in any wider communications they may undertake.
Got Something to be Included in Village Notices?
To request that something gets included in the Village Notices, please email Mandy Haynes at